Thursday, April 29, 2010

post four

Today I open the link that dr baek give us for our new session then I read the word web 2.0. Then I start thinking what that word mean is it a kind of new technology that we did deal with it before. after that I tried to search the meaning of web 2 in the google. Then I realized I was wrong this tools I have been deal with it before, with this tool I can develop my learning style and dealing and sharing with everybody I know my idea, information, picture and project design.

I look over many definition of web 2.0 and what does it mean in (Media coverage of Web 2.0 concentrates on the common applications/services such as blogs, video ,sharing, social networking and podcasting—a more socially connected Web in which people can contribute as much as they can consume. If any body interest to know more this is the link that I toke from )
this is another definition from Wikipedia
The term "Web 2.0" (2004–present) is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups, and folksonomies. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with each other as contributors to the website's content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.

What benefit of use web 2.0?

We can do a lot using this kind of great technology that I have been deal with :
We can have many friend from all over the world and sharing my opinions and information with them in any topic that I or any person provide by using (face book).
In the university side we can sharing our knowledge , experience, information by using (blackboard ),(blog),sharing our URL website.
We can sharing and see each other video or new video by using (youtube).
We can shat with each other and see each other by using (skype).

HOW I am and my friend use web 2.0?

This tools is so unique because true this tools I can communicate with anybody from different part of the world, I always communicate with my family and friend that I miss so much by using skype and facebook. When I use skype i try to look at them and know what is going on with them. I try to reach my family every day especially my parents and try to share my feeling with them. my parents are not familiar with using skype or face book because they always try to communicate with me by using there phone but know when I am far of them they try to make there phone coast less ,than they decided to call me and see me at the same time true skpe. My friend and family always see my picture that I post on my face book and write nice comment under each picture witch make me feel how much they care abut me .More over, some time I like to hear Arabic music Then I log in to (youtube) and hear any kind of song or see any kind of funny video that make me happy.


In the university we always share our information with our friend by using blog and comment on each other work this thing give me a good Idea to start and know what should I write about if I don’t understand what should I do in my new home work. some time if I don’t understand any point of our lecture or home work I can send an e mail to the doctor or my friend and they give a quick feed back.
My favorite part Most of the time the doctor meet us and my friend true communication tools like(dimdim) ,(talkshoe) and (skype).

Web 2.0 and education learning system.

Web tools is a good things in any kind of education system is make the education material active and motivate student to share there idea no mater what they are
This new media is not expensive ,not difficult ,you can communicate with any body all over the world and share your work. This new tools give student explore to learn a new technology to create any goo website and post there idea picture and updated all the time.


  1. Amal, being able to use skype instead of the telephone offers a visual and more cost effective way to remain in contact with friends and family around the world. Maybe one of your friends can help your parents become more comfortable with skype so they can see you and not spend so much money to stay in touch.

    I really love Arabic music and belly dancing. What is the best way to find it on YouTube. I would appreciate any sites or search words you can recommend. I haven't added anything new to my collection in a long time.

  2. Amal

    Donna has said just about everything I would say about Skype. My daughter has many friends in Japan - they use Skype all the time, and it is free! Can you imagine the phone bills if they wanted to use the telephone to keep in touch? I have one Arabic student who speaks French to his friends via Skype, and an Italian student who talks to her boyfriend every morning using Skype!

    These are two beautiful languages, and I have to say that it is the Italian that WoW! sounds just wonderful spoken from a native Italian.

    Yes Web 2.0 is a good thing


  3. Yes. I've enjoyed using the DimDim, Skype, and Blog programs through the ETEC programs. It is a great use for online learning and collaborating. The ability to communicate and share information with anyone in the world is a great attribute. I have relatives in the Philippines and Australia, and Web 2.0 has allowed me to keep in touch with them on a weekly basis. Facebook has been the most useful tool for us to share pictures and send messages. I know there is a lot more out there, and am excited to learn more about the different sites. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I enjoyed your blog because it reminds me of the reason I now enjoy facebook so much. I have reconnected with members of my family. I get to keep updated with my grandchildren. They can let me know immediately when they earn a new belt, or win a cross country race. I can also now see photos of my friends families in the Czech Republic and a former student studying overseas. SKYPE also offers me the similar things, but we seem to use Facebook more. Actually I am now off to post photos of flowers, birds and butterflies on my page to poke at my son who is still shoveling snow. I know he will send me photos that appear cool when it is 120 degrees here. Keep enjoying the technology that allows you to be with your family.

  5. hi
    i really feel greetful when you said that you like arabic song and you like skype like i do.
    gogal translation is the best i rally use it all the time
    thank you

  6. hi heidi
    i really share the same think about what you think on face book . it is great tool. i am with you that we learn a lot of new things in our program ETEC.
    Thank you

  7. hi
    it is so nice to see your daughter how can she use a chat program like skype and she has friend from many part of the world
    i know that you like other languge like italian but have you ever try arabic it is nice to

    Thank you

  8. hi
    mskathy i feel happy when you share your nice experiance about face book with your grand children. i am with you that face book ofer more thing than skype but they bouth good tool for communication.

    Thank you
    amal ;-)
