Thursday, April 29, 2010

post four

Today I open the link that dr baek give us for our new session then I read the word web 2.0. Then I start thinking what that word mean is it a kind of new technology that we did deal with it before. after that I tried to search the meaning of web 2 in the google. Then I realized I was wrong this tools I have been deal with it before, with this tool I can develop my learning style and dealing and sharing with everybody I know my idea, information, picture and project design.

I look over many definition of web 2.0 and what does it mean in (Media coverage of Web 2.0 concentrates on the common applications/services such as blogs, video ,sharing, social networking and podcasting—a more socially connected Web in which people can contribute as much as they can consume. If any body interest to know more this is the link that I toke from )
this is another definition from Wikipedia
The term "Web 2.0" (2004–present) is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups, and folksonomies. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with each other as contributors to the website's content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.

What benefit of use web 2.0?

We can do a lot using this kind of great technology that I have been deal with :
We can have many friend from all over the world and sharing my opinions and information with them in any topic that I or any person provide by using (face book).
In the university side we can sharing our knowledge , experience, information by using (blackboard ),(blog),sharing our URL website.
We can sharing and see each other video or new video by using (youtube).
We can shat with each other and see each other by using (skype).

HOW I am and my friend use web 2.0?

This tools is so unique because true this tools I can communicate with anybody from different part of the world, I always communicate with my family and friend that I miss so much by using skype and facebook. When I use skype i try to look at them and know what is going on with them. I try to reach my family every day especially my parents and try to share my feeling with them. my parents are not familiar with using skype or face book because they always try to communicate with me by using there phone but know when I am far of them they try to make there phone coast less ,than they decided to call me and see me at the same time true skpe. My friend and family always see my picture that I post on my face book and write nice comment under each picture witch make me feel how much they care abut me .More over, some time I like to hear Arabic music Then I log in to (youtube) and hear any kind of song or see any kind of funny video that make me happy.


In the university we always share our information with our friend by using blog and comment on each other work this thing give me a good Idea to start and know what should I write about if I don’t understand what should I do in my new home work. some time if I don’t understand any point of our lecture or home work I can send an e mail to the doctor or my friend and they give a quick feed back.
My favorite part Most of the time the doctor meet us and my friend true communication tools like(dimdim) ,(talkshoe) and (skype).

Web 2.0 and education learning system.

Web tools is a good things in any kind of education system is make the education material active and motivate student to share there idea no mater what they are
This new media is not expensive ,not difficult ,you can communicate with any body all over the world and share your work. This new tools give student explore to learn a new technology to create any goo website and post there idea picture and updated all the time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

post 3

Week 3 - Clark vs. Kozma
A new media is the term that use to discussion of the new technologies active program and it is include the appearance of digital, programmed, or networked information and communication technologies.(Wikipedia define) I am agree with Kozmas about his point of view about his view of media .These media are eminent by relevant characteristics of their technologies, systems, and processing capability. The new technology go with Kozmas argument how the media effect learning In positive way that all depend upon the instructional methods employed by the design(Hasting N& Tracey M).Moreover ,how does the computer motivate the student to learn more about the content that things will increasing the amount of time to learn using this tools(Kozma,1991,1994).the goal of distance education programs is to make education more student centered through the prepackaging of instructional materials that students may use when convenient(Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, and Zvacek ,2009)(p.80)learning with media make learning more easy to study by using deferent type of tools example Email, , Podcast, Wiki, Facebook , Youtube, Teachertube and web site, Skype and blackboard, etc .the different kind of media will affect the education system in positive way and motivate student to study and think in creative way . this media will help the education environment to have more online class like video conferences that does not require face to face meeting.

My previous experiences with these new media is many . it is began when I begin to study in ETEC program .its start when I took my first class which is ETEC 500 in this program ,I learned how to create a web site. In my first class I faced some problems because I don’t know how to create web site . It was my first time that ideal with new technology, but now it become more easy because I know how to use and create web site. My second great experience is ETEC 676 class . I learned how to create a blog which is so interesting because it is my first time that I deal with blog. I start to comment on other people work at that class. I was so happy because I learned how to post my assignment in and I learned how correct my work and do all my things in good way

Sunday, April 18, 2010

post 2

Summary of dimdim program:

i like how doctor BAEK describe the meaning of distance education and e learning. the way that she answer the question of the student was so nice. She also discuss the meaning of distance education that depend on time and place.

definition of e-Learning

E-learning involves the use of a computer and it include electronic device in education or any place that require training in any place

The reason for different definitions of distance education:

It has many and deferent meaning that depend on the place and reason behind using material of e learning will provide in . education, company etc. distance mean geographical distance, time distance and a possibly even intellectual distance “tremendous variety of programs serving numerous audiences via a wide variety of media" (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, Zvacek, 2009, p. 9).
it depend on time and place that compensation result in four things in education which are same time ,same place education. 2-Different time same place. 3-same time different place in education.4- Different time and different place

My experience with DIMDIM program:

Dimdim program is so unique and I really enjoy it .it is different from skype and talkshoe There is no limit to the number of attendees or meetings because this program can fit all student . It has different kind of things that offer in this program. First the instructors can view her text course in the screen and all students can discuss every point with her. Second things the instructor can chat with each student individual and also look at the student at the same time by using the web camera . also the student who don’t have a camera can call the instructor by using phone . this serves does not require any kind of fee or to register In this program you just have to pot any name then you will log in. the instructor can record her lecture for her student so all student can listen to it.

The strengths and weaknesses of skype and Talkshoe :

Talkshoe and skype is good program they don’t require any kind of fee. But they required to register at the program. The software in talkshoe program allows hosts to start or stop the recording of their podcast any time ,but skype does not offer like this kind of thing. Also, talkshoe allowed may student to log in any chat as a guest but skype will not alow any stranger to the shat room. talkshoe offer telephone number that we can contact with the instructors of the course when it start but skype does offer that. Talksoe and skype does not offer like video came or showing text in the screen .

trends in e-learning/distance education in your work place:

i didn’t use this technology in my work place at school. I plan to use it if I become a teacher and provide my student with computer and e learning material that make my class so unique and all my student will like it and they will enjoy charring there experience with other student from all over the world

Friday, April 9, 2010

post 1


My name is Amal Alsubki. I am from Saudi Arabia. I came to the USA to learn how to develop and create a web site and how to use it while I teach at school. I want my student to have a lot of information that can help them to succeed in their own life.

Now I try to take many classes to develop my technology teaching skills. For example, I took the500 class I learned a lot of technology skills, like creating my own web site that has a lot of link on it .Also, search for information by using web site or library.I hope to learn how to make a good website that everybody can share with me there information, picture and hopes.

Online learning is about how to connected and share information with other people in the same time but in different places. On line technology is depend on E-mail, video and sharing learning between teachers and student. Online technology is not complicated as I thought before. This technology gives the opportunity to a lot of people to learn from different places at the same time. This technology has many features like using information from the web site or library at the same time. This technology is considering one of the fast communication techniques of learning.
skype ID lovelyamool
Talkshoe ID Amalalsubki