Thursday, May 13, 2010

Effective Instructional Methods for e-Learning

Hearing and Visual learning style

It is better to include in our learning style some written information, diagrams, pictures and imagination these elements make class interesting for student to learn any kind of information especially when the class include discussions and conversations between the teacher and learner but in order the communication be effective (the student will need to know how to respond in class or to post responses in the correct forum and ask question)(text,p170)

describe your own learning styles. In order to help yourself better function in an online course (e.g. this course), what would you keep or change in terms of the course design and your participation style/pattern?

I like to see and listen to the lecture at the same time in any course and take a part of the class by asking question, I tried to do my best in any class by taking outline and highlight any important information from the book. I prefer to read the chapter that we are going to take before the lecture start. During the lecture if I face any kind of not clear information, I always write down what I miss understand then at the end of the lecture I will ask my teacher what did I misunderstand from the lecture and let my teacher explain to me. When I study new information I ask myself where I can use this kind of information and try imagine how could I implement this kind of information in my life by using my imagination Some time in any of my on line class I have problem with the voice and picture because of the internet speed. I always try to find a solution and try to communicate with my teacher and formed them that I have a problem. I don’t like some program that has a lot of requirement for example like down loud certain program some time the computer that I have does not except this kind of the program. Then there are programs that require having headset and phone in order listen to the lecture like( dimdim ) this kind of program I did not prefer because of that requirement thing I like to listen to my lecture without having any distraction . I like the program that has the recording tools that mean I can go back to the lecture and listen over and over to the lecture.

student characteristics.

Student are taking online class are mostly know little things about using computer. The successful online class that focus in student need and make them confident on the course material this type of class make student more independent on them self ,tools and skils (student responsible for their learning in distance learning. (Dohhagh&Bannan-Ritland 2005)(text.p168)

Classroom management

It is not easy to manage online class or normal class. It require a lot of knowledge from the teacher. I will try to mange my lecture during the class time and give them all the information they need. Answer all student questions .in my online class i will ask my student several question that related to the lecture. Also, I will try to control my student behavior in the class by let them do many kind of activity like answer my question ,give me there comment and advice. I will communicate wit my student by using e mail ,give them syllabus , survey and using any chat program

List one specific learning objective you want to include in your online course and describe how you would design your class activities using one or multiple instructional strategies (e.g. problem centered learning, simulation, decision-making panels, class discussion, case studies, group discussion, tutorial, written exercises, reading, instructional gaming, exploration) to help your students meet the learning objective?

I would like to teach my student how to communicate with each other in effective way. during the online class time. I would like my student to generate there idea about the subject that they are taking and try to develop their skills I will give them all what they need like the syllabus, schedule ,show them grating system, home work assignments and chatting links for my class. The grading system will depend on each student work on this class and how he or she can done their work in perfect way. Each session is worth amount of points. Each student has to submit their work before the due date. This on line class will include information that I will create for this course that has all the information policy for turning over their assignment. Also I will create format that each student have to fallow it for each session. There will be lest of home work that I will create that student have to answer it after they read the format and question of the home work. Everything that I have talked about so far , each student submit their home work has to comment on other friend in effective way . also i will make my student e mail me if they have any question.


  1. I am with you on liking the kind of lesson video that you can listen to over and over. Whenever I am learning something new that is hard for me to understand, I like to listen to it over and over. I took a class from Dr. Baek on how to animate an object. Now I have a real problem with code and understanding how it works. Dr. Baek made a video for us to watch. I could not make the project work. Finally, after watching the video several times I noticed the 1 step I was forgetting. I think making videos our students can watch over and over will help them learn. I also really appreciated your comments on trying to imagine where you would use new learning in life…when I learn a new computer program I immediately go to school to try it out with my young students. I learn the program better by teaching it to others. Good luck on your project.

  2. Amal, I agree with Kathy that trying to find applications in life is very beneficial. Authentic assessment is much more effective than traditional testing. I imagine when you can think of real-life applications on your own you really comprehend the materials. I plan to make reusable learning objects as part of my 501 project. Making videos is a terrific idea. I'll see where in my class they would be meaingful and appropriate. I enjoyed your post.

  3. Thank you donna and mskathyk

    making video is a greet idea for my student to make them go over the lesson many time that i provide for my student i will make that opition which i really like

  4. Hi Amal,

    Thank you for the good posting. Who would be your students? Are they students or teachers in your country? Why do you think “Student are taking online class are mostly know little things about using computer.” How many computers are available in a typical classroom? Are they connected to the internet?

    If you assume that they have little knowledge on how to use computers, how would you support your students to fully participate in their online learning. As you mentioned choosing programs that do not require a lot of plug-ins would be useful though. Though I understand buying a headset would be a bit cumbersome but once you have it you can use it anytime that is necessary…should be a too much problem :)


  5. Thank you Doctor for your comment
    Thank you for the good posting. Who would be your students?
    My student will be freshmen student
    Are they students or teachers in your country?
    They are mostly student who like to develop their skills and interesting in learning a new program.
    Why do you think “Student are taking online class are mostly know little things about using computer.
    Because before I begin my class I would like to do a survey to know if my students have deal with computer before or not based on their answer I will know . ” How many computers are available in a typical classroom?
    Each school in my country has computer lap, There is a several courses that related to computer science are given to 10,11,12 level .each these courses are given to student in computer lap
    Are they connected to the internet?
    All the computer in any school privet or local in my country are connected to the internet . Each school has at less two computer laps and each lap has more than 20 computer.

    Thank you

  6. Hi amal

    great post a lot of good points
    and I agree with you that its really hard to create a online class. When I try to create my own online course as an assignment I found that hard and difficult because I should focus on a lot of things such us the topic , students knowledge, the communication and more...
    what do you think the most important thing you should focus on when you stare create the online course?

    thank you

  7. Hi Amal,

    That is great that you take information that is new to you and assess it to see how you can apply it in your life. That practical way of thinking will be very beneficial to you in your career.

  8. • hi eman
    • i will focus on how to develop my student skills in my online class
    • i will try to do a survey before begin my class to know what my student need to study
    • i will try top create a good website that has
    • every thing i want to deliver for my student
    • i have to be careful with my color, writing font ,background. start to create power point that may help my student to understand the material of the course

    Thank you


  9. hi nwildes.
    thank you for charring your idea about my topic. this idea about creating online class is new field in my country there is many people does not deal with this kind of things . i am really happy that i am learn new things in this ETEC program.
    thank you

