Thursday, May 27, 2010

Session 8: Effective Assessment for e-Learning

1.You will develop two or three assessment activities/measures for the course you hypothetically developed in Session 5. Refer to the assigned readings, especially the table “Selecting appropriate assessment measures” in the textbook, page 285. Also incorporate assessment strategies of learning that you experienced/used as a teacher and a student and that you think them as effective methods. Post your answer to this in your blog.

Online Network (2005, 1) noted that“ effective online instruction depends on learning experiences appropriately designed and facilitated by knowledgeable educators."(Gaytan,Jorge&McEwen,Beryl)(p1) my assessment is about develop student skills and knowledge by provide them useful tools of technology. The good online assessment project requires interdependent work by student it will result in positive outcome in social interaction.(283)book.
My first assessment will be synchronous student communication
In my course I will try to do my best to communicate with my student all the time by provide them with the syllables at the first day to know my office hour if they need face to face meeting or by use skype to shat with my student about the course . I will let my student explore the new technology tools at the beginning and try to be flexible with my course if they need to learn a new technique and try to solve any problem may my student face it by make them try to solve it at the beginning.
the beginning of the class each student has to ask them self several question
Why they take this course?
What they want to learn in this course?
What kind of skills they want to develop in this course?
At the end of the the course I will ask the student
What did you learn in this course?
What is your recommendation to make the course better?

The course will depend on Discussion ,and other thing beside that. I want to learn new things statement, Investigations, Problem Solving Activities, Response Groups, Self-Evaluations at the end of the course.
This course will depend on immediate feedback while I am using sharing tools like skype.
Quick feed back make the student communicate with each other all the time in this kind of situation because this type of chatting tools make student know each other and welling to learned from each other to.
My second goal will be give student new assignment to do each week. There will be no testing the score will depend on the work that the student made. because I am one of the student who don’t recommend to give exam to other student because I know how much the student scare from the word exam and it well be not far to evaluate student just from the exam side but if we evaluate the student from deferent way like how to develop his assignment and the way student communicate with other will be better choice.
Second assessment develop a portfolio.
The student will conduct all his best work through the quarter and presented in his blog at the end of the quarter. The goal of this class to built the skills and make student feel proud about them self according to the book(self reflection leading student to develop of stander, and determination of criteria to use in selecting these materials are integral component of this work.)book( p276) this kind of strategy are useful for online student because it show how the student are connected to the course in perfect way .
One of the objective for this course. The grad will depend on the design creation of product.
When the student develop a good blog design that has no error and unique at the same time will earn more extra credit that will add to the student grad.
Second objective there will be a discussion each week between the teacher and the student about the course material

This is my syllabus for my course:
King Saud University
College of Education
EDUC 102 blog design
Instructor: Amal Ali Alsubki bh.
Office: RM 135
Office Hours: Wednesdays and Friday (2:00-4:00PM). Office Telephone: (909) 534-4545

Year/Quarter: 2011 summer Quarter

1 Blog is a place where you post your assignments.

The College of Education media technology:

King Saud University .(The department of Instruction Education Media Technology supports rich learning environment throughout strategic planning for continues evaluation and development of the department programs, research activities and community services. The department emphasizes quality assurance by acquiring faculty, staff, and students according to well accepted international standards to reinforce the learning and instruction processes. The department is eager to prepare scholarly leaders that are capable to participate in the development of the field and to integrate information technology in the learning environment effectively).


Privacy Terms

Course Overview
EDUCE 102 is one of the elective courses in Education Media Technology the program. This course emphasizes creating work in the field of Education Media Technology. It is designed to assist students in their teaching field . First, develop an understanding of using one of internet elements, creating blogs related to the use of technology in education .Second, understand how to developing their blogs and know how to post their assignment first and second week .finally they have to evaluate the course and take the optional final quiz if they want to see how the subject were useful for all of students .

Course Goals:

Make my freshmen student at university create their own blog. Also, master there on line skills. By asking and send e mail to his teacher if they don’t understand any step.

Course Calendar

Date Assignment Project Due date
Week 1:
6/13 •Orientation to the Program
• Overview of the Course
• Providing with blogs link Due in19
Week 2:
6/20 •Do their blogs and answer the questions.
• post the home work in your blogs.
• Comment in each other work
• Send e mail to doctor to notify with each work.
Due in26
Week 3:
6/27 Evaluate the course Due in7/3
 Course Requirements
All student will design and develop blog in creative style at online class.

1-After Choose a free blogging software that student think is easy to use
2- student have to Register for an account that I will provide to student
3-students have to create their blog at the first day
4-You have to start blogging your home work in their blog
5- All student have to submit all home work before the due date.

Assignments Points
Create their own blog 10
Submit their home work 10
Student communicate with each other 10
Evaluate the course 10
Total 40

Course Evaluation Plan

There are four home works requirement blogs each one worth 10 points

A 40
B 30
C 20
F 10

Course Policies

All students have to turn over their work before the due date
All students have to do their own work and sited everything that is not her/ his work.
Students have to participate and communicate with each other every week.

Commitment to Diversity
(To provide distinctive education, produce creative research, serve society and contribute in building the knowledge economy and community through learning, creative thinking environment, the optimal use of technology and effective international partnership).

communication style,
student-student :blog
instructor: e mail-blog
instructor to student: e mail-skype-blog

Web information links:


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Effective Instructional Methods for e-Learning

Hearing and Visual learning style

It is better to include in our learning style some written information, diagrams, pictures and imagination these elements make class interesting for student to learn any kind of information especially when the class include discussions and conversations between the teacher and learner but in order the communication be effective (the student will need to know how to respond in class or to post responses in the correct forum and ask question)(text,p170)

describe your own learning styles. In order to help yourself better function in an online course (e.g. this course), what would you keep or change in terms of the course design and your participation style/pattern?

I like to see and listen to the lecture at the same time in any course and take a part of the class by asking question, I tried to do my best in any class by taking outline and highlight any important information from the book. I prefer to read the chapter that we are going to take before the lecture start. During the lecture if I face any kind of not clear information, I always write down what I miss understand then at the end of the lecture I will ask my teacher what did I misunderstand from the lecture and let my teacher explain to me. When I study new information I ask myself where I can use this kind of information and try imagine how could I implement this kind of information in my life by using my imagination Some time in any of my on line class I have problem with the voice and picture because of the internet speed. I always try to find a solution and try to communicate with my teacher and formed them that I have a problem. I don’t like some program that has a lot of requirement for example like down loud certain program some time the computer that I have does not except this kind of the program. Then there are programs that require having headset and phone in order listen to the lecture like( dimdim ) this kind of program I did not prefer because of that requirement thing I like to listen to my lecture without having any distraction . I like the program that has the recording tools that mean I can go back to the lecture and listen over and over to the lecture.

student characteristics.

Student are taking online class are mostly know little things about using computer. The successful online class that focus in student need and make them confident on the course material this type of class make student more independent on them self ,tools and skils (student responsible for their learning in distance learning. (Dohhagh&Bannan-Ritland 2005)(text.p168)

Classroom management

It is not easy to manage online class or normal class. It require a lot of knowledge from the teacher. I will try to mange my lecture during the class time and give them all the information they need. Answer all student questions .in my online class i will ask my student several question that related to the lecture. Also, I will try to control my student behavior in the class by let them do many kind of activity like answer my question ,give me there comment and advice. I will communicate wit my student by using e mail ,give them syllabus , survey and using any chat program

List one specific learning objective you want to include in your online course and describe how you would design your class activities using one or multiple instructional strategies (e.g. problem centered learning, simulation, decision-making panels, class discussion, case studies, group discussion, tutorial, written exercises, reading, instructional gaming, exploration) to help your students meet the learning objective?

I would like to teach my student how to communicate with each other in effective way. during the online class time. I would like my student to generate there idea about the subject that they are taking and try to develop their skills I will give them all what they need like the syllabus, schedule ,show them grating system, home work assignments and chatting links for my class. The grading system will depend on each student work on this class and how he or she can done their work in perfect way. Each session is worth amount of points. Each student has to submit their work before the due date. This on line class will include information that I will create for this course that has all the information policy for turning over their assignment. Also I will create format that each student have to fallow it for each session. There will be lest of home work that I will create that student have to answer it after they read the format and question of the home work. Everything that I have talked about so far , each student submit their home work has to comment on other friend in effective way . also i will make my student e mail me if they have any question.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

post 5

Instruction Design

creating an on line class is very demanding because its require hard working all the time. It is not easy to create an on line class because develop on line learning content is complicated thing I will provide organized and particular task by using the ADDIE in this class in this class I will teach the learner how to make bloges step by step .

I would like to create a good course and then try to deliver my online course so that I can make it easy for my student in this program. Before start my course I will try to do like survey to know if the learner has back ground and experience on dealing of any kind of technology tools especially blog the topic that I will give to them .Also, what the learner want to achieve in this course that match there need in their daily lif. After I get all the feedback from the survey, I will start to built a good course material that depend on their answer . I will know what kind of problem that may learner have difficult on it.

The goal and objectives.

My goal is to teach the learner how to create a blog. The course will be totally on line
learner can do their blog in easy way without facing any problem and I will recommended several free blogs that my student can register on it like WordPress, Blogger, and TypeBad. These blogs are easy to explore and show them the steps of how to use Typebad. I want my course to focus on what student want to learn more than anything else.
Learner will choose and create their blog.
learner will develop do a lot of research on how to make a good blog
Learner will post everything that they want in their blog
Learner will comment on each other work.
Delivery option
The course will be on line course and I will provide my student with links that I think is useful
The student can communicate with me through e mail or by skype.
Time line
The course will be design in 3 week .
It will depend on how much my student understand and master the new skills and feel comfortable with these new tools.
Each student should post there assignment before midnight


In this class I will focus on develop my student skills to make them satisfy on my on line program which to teach them how to create blogs. I will create web site. This blog program only my student can use it . I will pose my assignment in this blog every week . Also, at the end of each section there will be few questions that related to the home work that student must answer it and post it to my blog. In my web site . Each student can communicate by comment with each other blogs . I will evaluate each student by the end of each section .


I will try to update my on line class to reach what student want to success
I will focus on the feedback from each student and look after the learner work carefully
I will make student to give me suggestion on the best strategy to deal with them in this course.
All the communication style will depend on having high speed internet.

I will test my material and my resources frequently and try to communicate with my learner and teacher to instruct a good material.

I will evaluate all the work that I have done on my design, development and implementation with it at the end of my class after I make sure that the learner had been understand all the material perfectly.
At the end of the class I will do another survey to know if my class was useful for my student and what type of correction that I have to make.
The ADDIE process will make me evaluate each step of my course so my course can be useful for my student and my student work and the strategy of the technology that I used.